Keys and certificates 'chaos'

Venafi has released the results of its 2015 RSA Conference survey, gathered from nearly 850 IT security professionals during the week of April 20th in San Francisco. The survey data reve­als that most IT security professionals acknowledge they don’t know how to detect or remediate quickly from compromised cryptographic keys and digital certificates, the foundation of trust in our modern, digital world.

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Tenable Network Security extends capabilities of Nessus Agents

Additional coverage for Mac OS X and Linux helps Tenable customers further reduce the attack surface and strengthen system visibility on portable devices and other hard-to-scan assets.

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Proofpoint extends targeted attack protection

Industry-leading advanced malware protection capabilities to secure users across LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

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Rapid pace of technological change makes IT decisions 'more challenging'

Rackspace has revealed results of a new study that reveals two thirds (66 per cent) of surveyed IT managers agree the rapid pace of technological change is making decisions about IT investment more difficult than 10 years ago. The study, which polled 250 IT decision makers across the UK, found that as a result of this rapid pace of change, 62 per cent of IT decision makers have invested in hardware or software that has never been used by the organisation.

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If there’s one thing that 2016 has proved, it’s that cyber threats are relentlessly evolving....
Infoblox DNS, DHCP and IP address management (DDI) now integrates with private cloud platforms from...
Imperva Inc. has released its April Hacker Intelligence Initiative report, "The Non-Advanced...
Nearly 10% of UK companies don’t know how many security breaches they have suffered in the...
Just one in four (26%) IT professionals feel they are adequately experienced in cloud security.
Real-time console details social media threats, risk trends and security effectiveness for...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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