Red Hat launches initiative to drive enterprise adoption of OpenStack

Red Hat, Inc. has announced a new initiative called On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack to drive enterprise adoption of OpenStack, the popular framework for building and managing private, public, and hybrid Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. Red Hat is closely collaborating with Intel on the On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack program, educating customers on the benefits and capabilities of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform running on Intel® Architecture and making it easier for...

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‘Powering the Cloud’ definiert die Zukunft

Für jeden der verstehen wollte, wie die Data Center und deren Inhalte (Einrichtungen und IT) sich in Zukunft entwickeln um den Erwartungen der Unternehmen in Europa zu entsprechen und diese bei der Umsetzung der Geschäftsagilität zu helfen, boten die zwei Tage bei den ‚Powering the Cloud‘ Veranstaltungen in Frankfurt die ideale Gelegenheit sich zu informieren.

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Powering the Cloud clarifies the future. Part 2

For anyone trying to understand how the data centre and its contents (facilities and IT) needs to evolve to help deliver the business agility demanded by more and more enterprises across Europe, the two day Powering the Cloud conference and exhibition in Frankfurt provided the ideal opportunity.  

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Powering the Cloud clarifies the future. Part 1

For anyone trying to understand how the data centre and its contents (facilities and IT) needs to evolve to help deliver the business agility demanded by more and more enterprises across Europe, the two day Powering the Cloud conference and exhibition in Frankfurt provided the ideal opportunity.

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Significant operational efficiency, enhanced security and network simplicity achieved through...
Grosse Pointe (Michigan) School System (GPSS) has selected the Ekinops360 optical transport system...
Intercity Technology study reveals that on average, IT users feel that IT departments are 21 months...
A new International Data Corporation (IDC) study confirmed that cloud is the major disruption...
Three Group enables enterprise customers worldwide to launch, manage and monetize IoT services...
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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