Nearly half of businesses could go paperless by the end of 2015

Recent results from a survey conducted by document management solutions provider, Margolis have revealed that almost half of businesses either believe they could go paperless by the end of 2015 or already have gone paperless. What the data suggests is that many organizations are now recognising the paperless office as a realistic goal and benchmark for efficiency.

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Almost half of French enterprises plan to increase their ICT budget this year

A new survey from market researcher Kable shows that 46% of French enterprises are planning to increase their ICT budget this year, an increase of 18% from 2014. With the economy in France gradually warming up, French enterprises are investing in newer ICT domains to reap the benefits of technology in a rapidly changing digital marketplace. Kable’s survey shows that almost half (46%) of French enterprises are planning to increase their overall ICT budgets in 2015 – an increase of...

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Cars and commutes are growing increasingly connected, with wired and wireless networks serving as...
AVA Quality of Experience (QoE) at the Edge enables artificial intelligence (AI) to be deployed...
New Versal Premium series delivers breakthrough integration of networked, power-optimized cores for...
IT-Dienstleister übernimmt Betriebsunterstützung für IT-Arbeitsplätze,...
3D Universal Edge Router der MX-Serie bieten die schnellste Industrielösung, um die steigenden...
Infoblox has revealed new research, finding that there is a need to simplify edge services at...
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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