New wave of vendors driving growth in managed services

The increasing demand for the provision of IT and Telecoms as a managed service is revolutionising the IT industry and creating new opportunities for both vendors and resellers alike. The changing buying behaviour that is accompanying this revolution and the demand for platforms and technologies to support the delivery and consumption of IT applications and services has created a fertile environment for the growth and development of a new generation of vendors with a range of innovative...

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IT professionals call for UK to stay in the EU  

UK IT professionals are the latest group to express confidence in the UK’s EU membership, with over two thirds (67%) saying that being a part of the EU gives them greater business confidence, according to new research from IP EXPO Europe, Europe's number one IT event.

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SD-WAN addresses the needs of a growing distributed workforce.
Oscilloquartz, an ADVA Optical Networking company, has been selected to synchronize a nationwide...
According to new research from Globalization Partners Inc., more than 90 percent of employees who...
The Report on Jobs, published by KPMG and the REC, highlighted further growth of demand for IT...
New industry survey reveals IT manager is also responsible for telecoms in 52% of businesses.
Leading industry consortium for energy efficient IT further diversifies representation.
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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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