Transmode announces Enlighten(TM) Portal

Transmode says that the company's new Enlighten(TM) Portal, a user-friendly and innovative tool that enables full real-time visibility of multi-layer service performance.

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Virtual ADCs provide real alternative to hardware appliances

Virtual LoadMasters deliver unprecedented performance and capacity for demanding workloads.

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Defining SDN futures

100-strong international team to explore and report on real world implications across a range of market sectors.

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Ovum reveals 90% of organizations are putting their futures at risk by not adapting to customers

Preliminary research by Ovum shows that 90 percent of organizations are at risk of becoming irrelevant to their customers unless they can learn to adapt much faster and in ways that customers value. While CRM systems are prevalent, businesses are being held back by slow decision cycles, a lack of workforce engagement, operational and channel silos and a serendipitous attitude toward innovation.

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Reel FX deployed powerful and reliable Dell technology to develop, produce and animate its first...
:Innovations in BYOD, SDN-enabled support, converged wired and wireless management platform.
Industry veteran John Vincenzo joins Silver Peak to help drive market awareness and accelerate...
ACOS 4.0 provides open standards-based programmability and expanded L4-7 features.
Riverbed Technology has announced the availability of Riverbed® OPNET AppInternals Xpert®...
SSE Enterprise Telecoms has been selected by UK-based telecommunications provider, Surf Telecoms,...
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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