NEC receives order for SDN-based network systems

NEC Corporation has received an order for construction of network systems based on Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology, as part of a project being undertaken by Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. (Toyo Seikan GHD) to integrate the networks of individual companies in the Toyo Seikan Group. The systems will come into operation starting from February 2014.

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Sysadmin Awards launched by Melbourne

Melbourne Server Hosting, the agile provider of complex cloud and managed server hosting solutions based in Manchester, has launched a competition to encourage us to show our appreciation for Systems Administrators, the guys who keep the world’s IT working.

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BYOx threatens to disrupt the IT landscape

SolarWinds has released the results of its New IT Survey-, which sheds light on the evolving role of the modern IT professional in today's technology-driven business environment. Specifically, the survey results reveal that the consumerisation of IT, namely the emergence of BYOx (where x is anything from apps, data to the latest mobile devices), is having a significant impact on business operations and the strategic implementation of emerging technologies.

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Zayo Group expands UK network

Zayo Group, LLC has announced a UK network expansion that enhances service offerings to customers east of London. The new 53-mile fibre network, which stretches as far as Basildon in Essex, doubles the reach of Zayo’s network in London.

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Open Networking Foundation selects Criterion Network Labs

The Open Networking Foundation (ONF), a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating the adoption of open Software-Defined Networking (SDN), today announced Criterion Network Labs (CNLabs), a vendor-neutral independent division of Criterion Networks India Pvt. Ltd., as ONF’s fourth international conformance and interoperability testing facility. CNLabs joins the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), Beijing Internet Institute (BII), and the Indiana Center...

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Grant Thornton announces new global technology industry group

Grant Thornton has announced the creation of a global technology industry group. The group will provide a forum for Grant Thornton's technology specialists worldwide to share insights into the opportunities and challenges facing technology organisations, to help clients find solutions in this rapidly evolving sector. Steven Perkins will lead a team of specialists from across the Grant Thornton global network.

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NG Bailey’s IT Services division has achieved a Customer Satisfaction Excellence Gold Star...
Scalable and programmable OPn network architecture helps to cost-effectively deliver broadband to...
AirTight, Becrypt and Egress products to be sold through G-Cloud 5.
Under a new IT services contract with Lockheed Martin, the Highways Agency is set to improve the...
Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) and IBM have signed a strategic partnership agreement to...
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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