EMC kündigte heute mit der EMC Xtrem Linie eine auf Flash-Technologien basierende Produktlinie von Server- und Speicherprodukten an. Mit XtremSF erweitert EMC das Angebot an PCIe Flash-Lösungen, die die Performance von Anwendungen, Software und Arrays entscheidend verbessern. Die XtremSF PCIe-Karten stehen mit unterschiedlichen Kapazitäten in Form von eMLC (Enterprise Multi Layered Cell) und SLC (Single Layered Cell) zur Verfügung.
Read MoreLeeds has been the successful host of two previous joint Data Centre Alliance, Datacentre Solutions Magazine and The University of Leeds Data Centre Conferences in 2011 and 2012. Preparation of the third Datacentre Transformation Conference (DTC13) to take place on July 9th, 2013 is well underway. This year, DTC13 will be in a new exhibition centre over the Leeds based data centre at aql, where, for this memorable event, the venue has a glass floor giving a clear view of the data centre below.
Read MoreTHE DIGITAL revolution has seen IT’s global carbon footprint rise to equal that of the aviation sector. The production, use and disposal of constantly evolving IT infrastructure have implications for environmental, social and economic factors. As a result, organizations are increasingly being challenged to manage their operational expenditure more effectively.
Read MoreOpen source integration provider committed to the support of newest Data Warehouse as a Service platform for big data integration and quality in the Cloud.
Read MoreCoriant has introduced the Coriant Groove™ G30 DCI Platform, a stackable transport solution for cloud and data center networks.
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