Oracle announces Big Data Appliance X4-2

Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 is now available, providing enterprises with a comprehensive and secure engineered system optimized to run Cloudera’s entire Platform for Big Data, Cloudera Enterprise, at a low overall total cost of ownership. Together, Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2, Oracle Big Data Connectors, and Oracle Exadata form a complete and integrated platform for Big Data.

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High-performance Hadoop ETL in the cloud

Syncsort Ironcluster available for a free trial on the Amazon Web Services Marketplace.

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IT-Automatisierung beseitigt menschliche Fehlerquellen - Von Jonathan Crane, Chief Commercial Officer bei IPsoft in New York City

Mit schnelleren Netzwerken, einer höheren Verfügbarkeit und einem verbesserten Performance-Management ist die IT heute besser aufgestellt als noch vor einigen Jahren. Allerdings gibt es nach wie vor ein Problem, das die IT-Performance negativ beeinflusst und bisher in aller Regel noch nicht beseitigt ist: der Mensch als Fehlerquelle

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Many data centres are in danger of experiencing significant downtime during a power failure as...
Wipro Ltd. has launched a Boundary Less Data Center Solution (BLDC), based upon a software-defined...
Award reflects Schneider Electric’s leadership in energy efficient technologies and strategies...
A global study commissioned by Ciena sheds light on communications service providers’ (CSPs)...
Panduit presents the new series of Power over Ethernet extenders increasing Ethernet signal and PoE...
The recent DCS Awards event, organised by Angel Business Communications, was a great opportunity...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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