Digital transformation trends mean that businesses are focusing more heavily on their customers and are using technology to improve their experience. However, IT departments remain bogged down in day-to-day activities and the need to keep the lights on, which is preventing teams focusing on how they can help drive improvements to the customer experience.
Read MoreAsperitas creates AsperitasEI business unit.
Read MoreGS Yuasa Corporation, the parent company of GS Yuasa Battery Europe, has announced that it will establish a new manufacturing subsidiary company, GS Yuasa Hungary Ltd. It will also construct a new manufacturing plant for lithium-ion batteries in Miskolc, Hungary.
Read MoreCNet has expanded its program delivery methods to include a new Live Virtual Classroom - the next generation technical education environment.
Read MoreProactive managed service contract signed for 5 of Daisy’s key UK data centre sites – reduced risk, increased capacity, 19% energy savings.
Read MoreAsperitas opened an Immersed Computing® showcase location in France in December 2017 in collaboration with a local partner. An Immersed Computing AIC24 module has been deployed in a TIER IV datacentre environment to function as a showcase for the French market. The datacentre is serving a global player from the financial industry. The pop-up showcase location will be available to visitors until the end of February 2018.
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