Nanotechnology insulation coating keeps a Government Data Center cooler

Heat can be a huge danger for data centers and the computer servers they house. Typically data centers are kept well-air conditioned to ensure the servers do not overheat which can cause damage and data loss. However, when summer temperatures rise, it becomes more difficult to keep the servers at optimum temperatures. Read how the Mexican government used nanotechnology to solve a crucial issue they were having with server shutdown.

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Waterloo announces whisker free data centre floor grille

As the UK’s leading expert in air distribution Waterloo Air Products plc is continually designing innovative solutions to satisfy its customers’ exacting requirements and the latest product to be unveiled is a new addition to its range of floor grilles.

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SGI und das US-Verteidigungsministerium nehmen mit dem Supercomputer Spirit das schnellste IT-System des Pentagons in Betrieb

SGI, der führende Anbieter von Technical Computing und Big Data, gibt heute bekannt, dass das US-Verteidigungsministerium SGIs®ICETM X-System für High Performance Computing (HPC) in seinem Supercomputer Spirit einsetzt

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Silver Peak Systems informiert: "Ohne WAN-Optimierung kein Big Data und Software Defined Networking"

Zwei Technologien sind in den vergangenen Monaten in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses gerückt: Big Data, also die Auswertung von großen Datenbeständen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen, und Software Defined Networking

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Neue Software von PoINT analysiert Primärspeicher - Inaktive Daten aufspüren und auslagern

Die PoINT Software & Systems GmbH hat mit PoINT File System Analyzer ein neues Softwareprodukt herausgegeben. Dieses Programm soll es Unternehmen ermöglichen, den Anteil inaktiver Daten zu analysieren, die den Primärspeicher unnötig belasten

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South Africa's second-largest retailer deploys SUSE POS systems throughout 546-store network.
Apple and IBM have announced an exclusive partnership that teams the market-leading strengths of...
The latest BCS Breakfast Club meeting was held in conjunction with AVK-SEG at The Ned in the City...
GFI-Studie: Fast ein Drittel der KMU testet ihre Backup-Lösungen nicht auf Zuverlässigkeit
Keysource, a specialist in data centres and critical environments, has successfully completed a...
Cloudera and VMware have announced that Cloudera Enterprise is now certified to run on VMware...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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