Talend appoints Chief Technology Officer, Head of Engineering

Talend, the global big data integration software leader, has announced that 20-year enterprise veteran Laurent Bride has joined the company as Chief Technology Officer and Head of Engineering. Reporting into CEO Mike Tuchen, Bride will play a key role in shaping Talend’s technology strategy as the company embarks on its next phase of growth in big data, applications and cloud.

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Proact to launch in Germany

Proact will be active in Germany as of 1 October this year. The launch will initially take place as a “greenfield”, with extensive skilled staff in sales and technology being taken on in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt.

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Data Centre Golf Day overshadows Ryder Cup

Mid-September, and the golf world’s attention was firmly focused, not on Gleneagles and that low-key competition where Europe traditionally hands the Americans a lesson in golf, but on Staverton Park in Northamptonshire, where plenty of golfing lessons were not so much handed out as desperately needed. The occasion? The inaugural Data Centre Golf Day, in association with the Data Centre Alliance (DCA) and Data Centre Solutions.

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Aisle containment must be fire aware

In this article Jeremy Hartley, Managing Director of Dataracks, looks at how data centres can be fire adaptable, the benefits to be gained from the use of containment with built-in fire suppression systems and why building a fire resistant environment is easier than you think.

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Siemon has launched new SkinnyPatch 6 modular patch cords that deliver category 6 performance...
Red Hat, Inc. has announced a new initiative called On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack to drive...
Companies are pledging to reduce their carbon impact but struggling to measure progress across...
Datenaustausch und Backup für KMU | Rechenzentren in Europa | Für sensible...
Five key areas in the telecom sector, including migration from legacy copper networks, need...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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