Data-centre Tier Classifications and their impact on UPS power

When decision-makers contemplate data-centre projects involving tens or even hundreds of millions of pounds, they must have an absolutely reliable way of assessing how their installation will perform. For large organisations depending on high volume online transactions, the highest possible data processing availability becomes the dominating requirement. Such organisations typically aspire to an availability of 99.999%, often referred to as ‘Five-Nines’. Other applications, with...

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Energy costs and legislation ‘threats’ to IT

The increasing cost of energy and growing environmental legislation are amongst the biggest threats to the UK IT industry according to the latest industry survey from Uninterruptible Power Supplies Limited (UPSL), a Kohler company.

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City Lifeline helps customers uncover the secrets of the data centre industry

City Lifeline, the central London colocation data centre, is helping break down the mysteries of the data centre world with a new jargon busting whitepaper. This aims to explain the processes behind the industry for the uninitiated.

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MapR Source Code now available on GitHub

Hadoop technology leader expands access to the packages and components for Apache Hadoop.

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Arista Networks has announced three new network applications that integrate with Arista Extensible...
The first-ever survey of online gaming connectivity finds gamers quit in droves when experiencing...
With sustainability being at the forefront of industry across the world, CNet has reviewed and...
Mafi Mushkila’s data centre testing division has been renamed in a move designed...
Hospitals turn their networks into a strategic asset with Purview for improved user experience and...
Digital transformation trends mean that businesses are focusing more heavily on their customers...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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