Siemon launches RouteIT® cable managers for high density cabling systems

Siemon has launched RouteIT®, a new vertical and horizontal cable management system, specifically designed for high density enterprise and data centre cabling systems.

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Swinton insures itself with Sudlows data centre upgrade

Sudlows has been awarded a new £700,000 contract to deliver a key data centre upgrade to Britain’s biggest high street insurance broker, Swinton Insurance.

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Why are insurance companies not offering a reduction in premiums to data centres that adhere to best practice

The data centre market has grown significantly over the past ten years but unchecked contamination, both particulate and gaseous, continues to be a major issue in the data centre sector. Despite companies investing millions of pounds in critical IT systems, many only appreciate the risks and dangers of contamination when there is a major failure within their data centre. But, are insurance companies evaluating these risks correctly when assessing premiums for these facilities? According to...

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Minkels launches its UPS system internationally

The R&D department of data centre manufacturer Minkels has extensively tested the thermal usage conditions of the Minkels UPS system in a cold corridor environment over the last few months. This system, which is a fully integrated total concept, was included in the portfolio earlier this year. This means that the Minkels UPS system is now ready to be launched internationally in the data centre market.

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Next Generation Security mit MTI: Beratung, Audits, Lösungen

MTI, der Experte für Infrastrukturlösungen, baut sein Angebot in Deutschland aus. Lag bisher der Schwerpunkt der Dienstleistungen und Lösungen ausschließlich auf Themen wie Storage, Backup/Wiederherstellung oder IT-Infrastruktur/Virtualisierung, so wird das Portfolio ab sofort um spezialisierte Dienstleistungen und Lösungen zum Thema Security erweitert.

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Kaseya has published the results of its IT operations benchmark survey which offers insight into...
Siemon has launched an innovative LC BladePatch® fibre optic duplex jumper that revolutionises...
Company selects NTT Europe to build new data centre for’s fastest growing...
Multi-site scalability, container integration and enhanced security features enable customers...
New Milan – Zurich route.
Acquisition of REALM Communications Group, Inc. brings US market entry and new business...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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