Mit Beginn des neuen Dell Geschäftsjahres setzt der Wiesbadener Value Added Distributor mit Dragan Markovic einen dedizierten Channel Development Manager für Dell ein.
Read MoreCompany to acquire full breadth of product offering through the purchase of source code from SECUDE.
Read MoreSolarWinds has released the results of its New IT Survey-, which sheds light on the evolving role of the modern IT professional in today's technology-driven business environment. Specifically, the survey results reveal that the consumerisation of IT, namely the emergence of BYOx (where x is anything from apps, data to the latest mobile devices), is having a significant impact on business operations and the strategic implementation of emerging technologies.
Read MoreSudlows has been chosen by power distribution operator, Electricity North West, to design and build their brand new data centre.
Read MoreRaritan has designed a completely new retrofit power monitoring system suitable for both new and existing data centres. The technology is designed for ‘live’ installation, without any need for downtime or business interruption.
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