ZealiD selects DigiPlex

DigiPlex has been selected by ZealiD as its partner in the rapidly growing market for secure digital identities. The company chose DigiPlex for its exceptionally high standards of physical security at its data centers.

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Precision at the edge

Equinix has launched Equinix Precision Timeä, said to be an industry-first Time as a Service capability delivered seamlessly over Equinix Fabricä. Offered globally as a value-added edge service on Platform EquinixÒ, Equinix Precision Time enables digital leaders to deploy highly accurate Time as a Service within minutes to run applications at the edge more effectively with precise, reliable and secure time synchronization.

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The European Environment Agency chooses DigiPlex in Copenhagen

DigiPlex has reached an agreement with the European Environment Agency to host the organisation’s server park.

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DigiPlex, the Nordic leader for scalable, secure and sustainable data centers, welcomes eRate AS to...
Network Edge enables businesses to establish a presence in new markets and process data closer to...
Pulsant, a leading UK edge infrastructure provider, has announced a nationwide initiative to...
DigiPlex has opened its fifth Norwegian data centre, this time in Holtskogen Business Park at...
Company’s environmental, social and governance report highlights worldwide strategy to reduce...
Partnership provides access to hyperscale cloud platforms including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud...
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Elektrobit Case Study: Enable Immense Data Intake to Support Autonomous Driving

Automated vehicles record and process massive amounts of data daily with simulations and high capacity sensors. For Elektrobit, a global supplier of connected software for the automotive industry, the biggest challenge was how to securely store, transfer and process these large amounts of data. The interconnection-first approach, deployed on Platform Equinix®, provided Elektrobit the fastest and most stable option available. Find out how Equinix, with its global data centers and digital edge presence, boosted efficiency, performance, reliability and security for Elektrobit.

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