CloudSigma partners with New Relic

CloudSigma has partnered with software analytics company New Relic, Inc. to provide customers with new levels of real-time insight into the health of their applications and server infrastructure. Tightly integrated into CloudSigma’s existing public cloud infrastructure, New Relic’s software-as-a-service application performance management solution gives CloudSigma customers the confidence to deploy more mission-critical workloads into the cloud, knowing that their applications and...

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LeaseWeb broadens hardware partnerships

LeaseWeb, one of the world’s largest hosting providers with a broad portfolio ranging from cloud computing to on-demand dedicated servers and managed hosting, has announced a partnership with Huawei. Under the agreement, LeaseWeb will add Huawei servers as a configuring option to its dedicated server product line - next to other server brands such as Dell, HP, and IBM.

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Coriant accelerates on-demand service enablement

Coriant has announced the Coriant Dynamic Optical CloudTM, an end-to-end and highly programmable infrastructure solution that enables service providers to cost-effectively address a rapidly changing world of dynamic, virtualized, high-bandwidth applications and services. The Coriant Dynamic Optical Cloud solution is powered by proven metro-to-core packet optical networking capabilities and industry-leading software-defined networking (SDN) intelligence for a new level of programmability,...

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UK Cloud alive and kicking

IT industry analyst firm The METISfiles has released the inaugurate version of the UK Public Cloudscape. Designed to highlight the local UK SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS provider ecosystem, the UK Cloudscape provides a snapshot of who the most important UK cloud providers are and in which cloud segments and categories they specialize.

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Rolls-Royce establishes new COVID-19 data alliance to help people and businesses understand our new...
Over three quarters (79%) of database professionals are now using either a paid-for or in-house...
iomartcloud has become the first European member of the VMware Service Provider Program to offer...
Hortonworks and Pivotal have expanded their strategic relationship centered on the Hortonworks ...
WFT Cloud provides cloud migration services to help users plan, access and migrate existing...
VMware, Inc. has announced the general availability of VMware vCloud® Hybrid Service™ in...
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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