Powering a social fitness network

Strava, the GPS tracking app and social network for athletes, uses Snowflake to power its business. Switching to Snowflake has significantly reduced the data engineering resources required to manage the company’s data, resulting in more engineers focusing on developing additional services for Strava’s athletes and more focus on building its global community.

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Introducing Hyperintelligence

MicroStrategy says that MicroStrategy 2019, thought to be the industry’s first and only enterprise platform for HyperIntelligence, transformational mobility, and federated analytics is now generally available.

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Pervasive intelligence unlocks data's hidden value

The UK’s leading tech companies are embracing ‘pervasive intelligence’ to help close the gap on £52 billion unrealised value from data each year.

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Talend enables energy company Uniper to analyse data at scale in the Cloud

Uniper, an international energy company, is using Talend to power its Uniper Data Analytics Platform. Talend integrates data coming from nearly 100 external and internal sources, including ETRMs, DWHs, IoT data coming from power station sensors and SAP enterprise data, into a Snowflake cloud-built data warehouse that enables a modern, central data lake on Microsoft Azure. This deployment helps business users access real-time industry, customer, and financial data to react better and faster to...

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VICE Media uses Snowflake to power its multimedia business

The only data warehouse built for the cloud helps VICE Media manage, analyze and derive insights from all of its data.

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Pinpointing airport congestion

Newly developed predictive simulation technology discovers the causes of congestion throughout an airport in a matter of minutes, providing effective suggestions for alleviation.

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A10 Networks has introduced a major upgrade to its groundbreaking multi-­?cloud analytics and...
Xchanging leads partnership that will see Airport mobilise its workforce, improve passenger...
Idea management software pioneer signs up to NCC Group’s cloud continuity service to provide...
New survey from Adapt shows cloud integration could help match future business needs.
Allied Telesis predicts that management, security and optimization of infrastructures will be the...
Less than one in five business leaders currently rate their big data stack as ‘optimal’.
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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