Xperience uses OnApp to launch The Cloud Simplified

The Cloud Simplified offers high-end cloud performance, security and functionality for business customers, with servers provisioned in less than 30 seconds.

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First product to unify WAN optimisation and cloud connectivity into single integrated platform
On the 8th & 9th of October the Colocation, Connectivity, Cloud and Communications...
From today, retailers and their supply chain can visualise their data at unprecedented...
If the CIO thinks they have a headache today, end user expectations will make them reach for the...
New AIIM whitepaper highlights the potential to deliver EU-wide services under a single operations...
MapR technology provides innovative file system for unified analytics from edge to cloud.
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Maximizing Your Quality of Life with Genomic Data

Meet Hakon Gudbjartsson, PhD, WuXi NextCODE CIO, and Data Visionary. Learn how Dr. Gudbjartsson is helping organizations use data to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world.

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