Equinix Cloud Exchange optimiert den Zugang zu Cloud-Services

Die moderne neue Verbindungslösung bietet Cloud-Nutzern und Service-Providern zahlreiche Netzwerkoptionen bei der Realisierung von Multi-Cloud-Lösungen

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Nokia and Juniper Networks collaborate

New core-on-cloud solution combines best-of-breed technologies with integrated services and support to help operators accelerate service creation through a fully automated telco cloud.

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End users must play a more active role in demanding cloud standards

Users of cloud services must ‘vote with their feet’ by seeking out Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) that have certified against relevant accreditations to drive standards in the industry, APM Group, the Cloud Industry Forum’s independent certification partner, warns.

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Akamai Media Cloud Workflow erfüllt die MPAA-Sicherheitsanforderungen

Durch den integrierten DRM-Schutz in Studioqualität, wie ihn die Urheberrechtsvorgaben der Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) vorsehen, baut Akamai die Qualität und Skalierbarkeit bei der Auslieferung von Online-Medieninhalten weiter aus. Darüber hinaus hat Akamai ein DRM-Partnerprogramm gestartet. Die beiden ersten Mitglieder sind Irdeto, einer der Pioniere der digitalen Verschlüsselung, und BuyDRM, ein Anbieter von Digital-Rights-Management- und...

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Mit den neuen Releases „Cubeware Cockpit V6pro 4.2“ und „Cubeware Mobile BI...
38 percent of organisations have scaled infrastructure to new levels of demand since the pandemic...
New Barracuda Web Application Firewall version 7.9 enhances automation and provisioning for public...
Move aims to meet growing client demand for digital transformation and cognitive intelligence.
Hitachi Data Systems Corporation is to acquire oXya, a leading provider of services for cloud and...
Unique dual-region strategy, sustainability, and next-generation cloud architecture help customers...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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