IBM unveils new start ups and Ecosystem partners delivering Watson-powered apps in the Cloud

Watson Ecosystem Partners launch new business ventures in Financial Services, Healthcare, IT Services, Non-Profit, Retail, Security and Travel industries.

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Sophos acquires Mojave Networks

Sophos has acquired cloud-based security firm Mojave Networks of San Mateo, Calif. This acquisition will strengthen Sophos cloud-managed and appliance-based security solutions. To Sophos Cloud, an integrated cloud-managed security offering, Mojave will add a rich cloud-based web security solution. And to Sophos’ line of network security hardware it will enable hybrid deployment options (SaaS and non-SaaS) to meet diverse web security needs.

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Tight IT budgets to drive efficiency demands in 2015

Increasing efficiency will be the number one priority for IT departments in 2015, as organisations look to get more value out of their IT spend, according to research released today by Brocade. The research, taken from a survey of UK-based IT Decision-Makers (ITDMs), found that increasing efficiency is a top priority for 53 percent of IT leaders in 2015. Budget restrictions are the main driver behind this need for efficiency, with just 31 percent of organisations expecting their IT capital...

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End-user computing set to fundamentally change the way employees work

Dimension Data has launched its End-user Computing Development Model (EUCDM), a new global consultative engagement tool helps organisations learn more about end-user computing, what the impact will be on their ICT operations, and where to begin its implementation.

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The channel has to change; it has been guilty of keeping cloud away from smaller and mid-sized...
Management of Ceph leads to improved ease of use for customers.
Businesses need to use cloud to develop a constant process of innovation.
Fast-rising Virtustream to form EMC’s new managed cloud services business.
New report gives buyers and sellers insight into the savings that can be made by shopping around...
Ingram Micro has entered into an agreement to acquire certain assets from Parallels Holdings Ltd....
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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