C4L Group Holdings announces successful acquisition of CloudSpec Ltd

C4L Group Holdings, the parent company of IT infrastructure specialists C4L (Connexions4London), has acquired CloudSpec Ltd, the Cloud solutions specialists, as part of an aggressive growth strategy in line with an up rise in the Cloud market. The news follows the completed deployment of C4L’s new MPLS network, coreTX, set to be a game-changer within the technology industry due to its 100Gbps connectivity capabilities and impressive DC footprint in the UK, which will significantly benefit...

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Rackspace launches OnMetal Cloud Servers

API-driven bare-metal servers can be spun up as quickly as VMs, providing the agility of multi-tenant with the performance of single-tenant.

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SolarWinds adds Cloud-based website and application performance monitoring to its portfolio

Company takes a significant step to support all-types of businesses in managing the performance of their business-critical web application environment. SolarWinds has announced the acquisition of Pingdom, a leading provider of website monitoring and performance management solutions. The acquisition of Pingdom will allow SolarWinds to expand beyond its traditional on-premise IT Management stronghold to support the evolution of performance management from on-premise IT, to IT as a Service, and...

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Verizon extends healthcare focus

Verizon is extending its healthcare focus to now include the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. Verizon, who has been helping to transform the delivery of healthcare in the U.S. through a growing portfolio of IT solutions, has unveiled two new industry-specific solutions designed to help companies keep up with increasing regulatory requirements for this sector.

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Mobile Solutions und Datensicherheit sind vom 15. bis 16. Mai die Hauptthemen in der Messe Karlsruhe
Cloud services provider welcomes changes brought by newly-named Digital Marketplace.
OpenStack Express lets enterprises stand up their own private OpenStack clouds and deploy workloads...
Aidan Simister chosen to drive Intermedia's sales growth.
Often cited as the weak point of hybrid clouds, security is now being addressed in the latest...
Liquidware Labs has introduced ProfileUnity v6.5 with significantly enhanced FlexApp application...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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