Emerson ist Marktführer laut „IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Data Center

Infrastructure Management (DCIM) 2013 Vendor Analysis“ - Bericht hebt das Potenzial der Trellis-Plattform von Emerson Network Power und die künftige Strategie des Unternehmens für seine DCIM-Lösungen hervor

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Oscar-Preisträger Pixomondo setzt für Visual Effects auf Lösungen von Dell

Das Visual-Effects-Studio Pixomondo hat für die Fantasy- und Science-Fiction-Produktionen "Game of Thrones" und "Star Trek Into Darkness" beeindruckende Spezialeffekte gestaltet. Dafür setzte das preisgekrönte Unternehmen auf IT-Lösungen von Dell

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The Open Group launches cloud computing guide to help businesses tackle challenge of vendor lock-in

Leading global IT standards organisation introduces new guide to help business navigate portability and interoperability issues to ensure maximum ROI from cloud computing investment.

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Switzerland takes aim on Dropbox AWS and Azure

Switzerland is renowned as a safe place to house money. The stringent laws which govern Swiss banks are derivative of the nation’s approach to privacy, and now the country is fast becoming the ideal location for storing data too, says Mateo Meier, director at Artmotion, Switzerland’s biggest offshore hosting company.

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Oncore IT renews Cloud backup, disaster recovery and IT managed services contract with barristers, 29 Bedford Row Chambers

Oncore IT has renewed a three year contract with 29 Bedford Row Chambers, a London set of barristers specialising in family and matrimonial law, to provide a comprehensive outsourced IT managed service. This includes Cloud-based backup, disaster recovery, server and network hardware, SSL VPN remote access and 24/7 system monitoring and support.

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With Cubbit DS3, healthcare company ASL CN1 Cuneo protects its data with exceptional resilience...
Company launches new, intent-based cloud solution to automate process, enabling IT to deliver...
Software veteran appointed to support EMEA growth.
NTT Communications has launched the Osaka 5 Data Center in the heart of Osaka, NTT Com's fifth...
Research released by Telstra reveals that despite three-quarters of IT decision makers wanting to...
HUAWEI CLOUD and Infosys have signed a memorandum on strategic cooperation to help enterprise...
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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