Drei von vier Firmen halten Technologieinvestitionen zur Erreichung ihrer Geschäftsziele für strategisch wichtig

Die EMC Corporation hat die Ergebnisse einer weltweiten Umfrage vorgestellt, die das Unternehmen unter 10.700 Teilnehmern der lokalen EMC Foren durchgeführt hat. IT-Entscheider aus 50 Ländern wurden nach ihrer Meinung zu den Herausforderungen und Chancen gefragt, die Big Data und IT-Transformation für ihre Unternehmen mit sich bringen. Zu den Befragten gehörten neben Managern, IT-Verantwortlichen und -Architekten auch Data Scientists sowie Speicher- und...

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IPsoft nennt Top-IT-Trends 2014

Private-Cloud-Implementierungen, Big-Data-Analysen und Automatisierung des IT-Betriebs – so lauten nach IPsoft zentrale IT-Trends, die das Jahr 2014 maßgeblich prägen werden.

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Getting sense from social media

DataSift’s new VEDO system aims to automate the data science needed to get real business value out of that biggest of big data resources, social media

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More Microsoft Office now available in the cloud

Server-hosted and cloud-delivered implementations of Microsoft Office and server-based applications are starting to appear that provide better cost management, better security management, and a way out of XP’s `end of support date next April

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Parallels joins the OpenStack push

By joining the OpenStack Foundation, Parallels brings its undoubted experience and skills of helping CSPs service the SMB community’s needs, and gains access to one of the major unifying market trends in cloud service delivery

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Survey highlights possible `pocketware’ bonanza for apps vendors

Flexera’s survey, with IDC’s help, shows that the consumerisation of IT is fast penetrating into the enterprise world, and as a consequence many businesses are liable to fall foul of software licences. But it also raises the question of whether software vendors are adapting licences to meet this new need, or just waiting to reap the benefits of catching users of this pocketware

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One of the UK’s largest NHS Purchasing Consortiums will deploy SAP Ariba as part of its move to...
Winners of the second annual Managed Services Awards were announced at a dinner in London on...
Centralized backup service makes it easier and more cost-effective for customers to automate...
Entrust PKIaaS delivers key infrastructure security as part of as-a-Service evolution.
Zscaler has acquired Edgewise Networks, a pioneer in securing application-to-application...
Dell XC Series of Web-scale Converged Appliances expands to offer customers a broader range of...
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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