Atkins, the UK’s largest engineering consultancy, is making it easier for public sector clients to procure its leading ICT solutions by adding three new cloud based services on G-Cloud, an online catalogue of information and communications services for the UK public sector.
Read MoreHaving become a private company in order to undertake a major reorganisation in peace, Dell’s latest move is to target applications development on the popular Salesforce platform
Read MoreCloud storage specialist, CloudSigma, has added new disk snapshot management to its cloud storage systems, plus policy associated management tools, to create a granular, low-cost data recovery environment
Read MoreHandels- und Dienstleistungskonzern standardisiert seine IT mit Cloud-fähiger HP Converged Infrastructure
Read MoreWAN-Optimierungslösungen von Silver Peak sind über den Super-VAD Exclusive Networks in Deutschland, der Schweiz und weiteren europäischen Ländern verfügbar
Read MoreDer Mittelstand stellt eine wichtige Säule der deutschen Wirtschaft dar
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