Huawei unveils Its Cloud strategy

More than 20,000 ICT industry leaders and experts from over 120 countries and regions have gathered for the very first HUAWEI CONNECT, Huawei's largest-ever integrated conference for the global ICT ecosystem. Held in Shanghai, the theme of this three-day event is "Shape the Cloud," aimed at exploring cloud era trends and how different industries can achieve digital transformation by developing cloud technology and contributing to the cloud ecosystem.

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Continuum expands international offerings

Continuum has extended its international offering with a new data centre in London, United Kingdom. The opening of the facility marks an increased investment for the company’s managed IT services provider partners across Europe and will give Continuum’s MSP partners in the region the ability to use Continuity247™ to ensure client data is securely backed up, protected and accessible to its clients.

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Record take-up in European data centre market

Take-up reaches 35.5MW across London, Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam.

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GasTerra extends IT infrastructure management outsourcing with Atos

GasTerra , an international operating trade organization in natural gas, and Atos have extended their existing agreement for the outsourcing of IT Management with another three years. This will not only allow for substantial savings on costs but it will also provide GasTerra with the opportunity to develop its ambition to further increase its overall efficiency.

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Data centre flexibility to benefit challenger banks

Data centre flexibility and scalability can benefit banks without the capital to develop their own IT systems.

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Updata awarded contract to manage IT networks by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Updata Infrastructure, part of Capita IT Enterprise Services, has been awarded a five-year contract by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GHNHSFT) to supply and manage IT networks for healthcare organisations in the region.

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F5‘s Portfolio an intelligenten Anwendungsdienstleistungen und flexiblen...
INTERXION HOLDING NV says that BT will offer a range of its BT Radianz services from...
EVault, Inc., a Seagate Company, is joining the OpenStack community, a global community of...
Co-location can serve as an opportunity for organisations to test the waters with various vendors...
Die Nytro XP6200-Serie bietet optimierte Leistung für leseintensive Workloads bei bis zu 30...
Silver Peak offers cloud acceleration for 1-Click launch on the Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
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The most secure data centre in Scandinavia?

Hidden deep in a mountain, Green Mountain’s data centre is cooled by the cold waters of a Norwegian fjord. Working with nature, Green Mountain is saving energy and protecting the environment — leading the way to cutting data centre energy use by a third.

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