HP und VMware automatisieren hybride Netzwerke Neue Appliance vereinheitlicht und vereinfacht Verwaltung physischer und virtueller Netzwerkressourcen

HP und VMware arbeiten zusammen an der branchenweit ersten Lösung für die einheitliche, regelbasierte Automation und Verwaltung hybrider Rechenzentrumsnetze über eine einzige Konsole. Die neue Lösung verbindet HPs Virtual Application Networks SDN-Controller mit VMwares Netzwerkvirtualisierungs-Plattform VMware. Sie vereinheitlicht und vereinfacht die Administration, erleichtert das Beseitigen von Fehlern und steigert so die Agilität und Zuverlässigkeit der...

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The University Of West Indies gets protected by Securstore’s Cloud Backup & Recovery Services

Securstore is proud to announce that the Cave Hill Campus of University of West Indies (UWI) has agreed to backup and protect their data with Securstore’s multi-award winning Cloud Backup & Recovery Solution. Established in 1948, the UWI is the largest and longest standing higher education provider in the English-speaking Caribbean. It has evolved from a fledgling college in the Caribbean island of Jamaica with 33 students to a fully-fledged University with over 45,000 students,...

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Inbay aims for exponential channel growth with adoption of ‘Smart Internet’

Adoption of Exponential-e’s flexible Internet platform will enable London based reseller to increase sales of cloud based products.

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Saga, part of the Acromas Group of companies, is the leading provider of holidays and services for...
451 Research, a top five global IT analyst firm and sister company to datacenter authority...
High-performance content delivery network accelerates global delivery of ‘Live Channel’...
DRFortress, the largest carrier-neutral data center and cloud marketplace operating in Hawaii, has...
Softcat is partnering with Websense in its first inclusion on the recently updated G-Cloud 4...
Colt Data Centre Services has appointed Ras Scollay as Asia Pacific Head of Sales and Marketing....
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The most secure data centre in Scandinavia?

Hidden deep in a mountain, Green Mountain’s data centre is cooled by the cold waters of a Norwegian fjord. Working with nature, Green Mountain is saving energy and protecting the environment — leading the way to cutting data centre energy use by a third.

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